marcus davis
PRS For Music 283632064
Artist, Songwriter
Originally born in Hammersmith West London UK to Carribean parents, always very artistic started out taking Piano lessons at my mothers insistance but did'nt stick with it had other ideas but took up the Drums & the Bass Guitar later on in my teens.I was a Billy Cobham fiend when i saw a picture of him in this magazine behind this massive Drum Kit at the time i did'nt have a clue as to how a good Drummer was supposed to sound so i went out and bought a bunch of Billy Cobham albums and attempted to play along to them.I got hooked on the Bass Guitar after watching Robert Kool Bell of Kool & The Gang on stage playing his Fender Precision Bass Primarily self taught but i did take some lessons on the Bass Guitar for a while to get the basics and to find out where all the notes were on the neck.Mainly played along to records listening to 70's Funk ,& Jazz Fusion Commodores, Ohio Players,Earth Wind & Fire ,Mandre, and Stanley Clarke .Stanley Clarke was my idol back then School Daze etc .I remember having that lick downpat when i first heard it .I studied Music Theory @ The Cardiff School Of Music & Drama and Production & Sound Engineering @ Trebas Institute Of Recording Arts. I have played and toured in various bands in the UK, The United States ,& Canada as a Bass Player .I have a studio where i do all my work plus create a Podcast .
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