Ken Piche'
Artist, Songwriter
ABOUT KEN Bio Ken is a famous composer ,arranger , guitarist ,singer , freelance muscian and music teacher who has taught with the World Accordian Champion Iona Reed and played in his own bands THE 3 DIAMONDS , with his brother Bernie and Fernando Bianconi , THE JAGUARS , with his brother Bernie and Paul Gauthier, ASBURY TRIPPER with Tony Simpkin , now World Class Pianist , Gordie Emmerson , Shawn Kirvin , then replaced by Stew Glover , THE SHUFFLERS , with Tony Simpkin and Phil May and fill ins with STEW Glover . Then the band Patches with the Lavigne Brothers Andy and Denis Lavigne later to become the very popular band Time Machine with many , many musicians playing in my Band , here is a list of some of them Al Yokenen, Gene Dubreuil , Bob Shalifoux , Paul Chapman , Brian Quebec . Tony Simpkin , Donny Reed ,Andy Bedard , Rod Dunn , Moe Chaput , Norm Lavalle , Mark Plante , Mark Leveque , Pete Grealy , Mike Lamerouix , Marcel Larachoge Nicky Dupont , Dave Mellesson , Tom Linkletter , Brian Wilson ( not from the Beach Boys )Dan and Larry Pilon , Reg Levair , Andy Patry ,Victor John ,Stanley Wayne , and the list goes on and on and on . If he has left out your name please send him an email at the bottom of this page he would be more than happy to include your name. His band Time Machine also had 2 or 3 house gigs the longest being at a Sudbuy Ontario hotel called the Coach House he was there for about 7 years until it turned into a parking lot and now is an independent grocery store , before this some of his other bands had house gigs the longest being the very popular Belton Hotel in Sudbury Ontario where they were the house band for 8 years until it got torched they were then called THE JAGUARS . Another popular house gig they did was at the Heart Break Cafe in Sudbury Ontario were he played for about 5 years as the very popular Time Machine . The very last band of his was DUECES WILD with Moe Chaput , AL Yokenen Dave Melasson and fill in Tom Linkletter ,they were quite popular and played a good variety of music ,especially bands with lots of vocals and harmonies the Beatles , Beach Boys , Elvis etc and some new top 40 country etc . He also played in other bands and also as a freelance musician . One band he really enjoyed playing in was the Bill Tuttle Band because Bill used to get all kinds of musicians up on stage like Ken did with a lot of his own bands . One guy Bill got up was the now famous Jeff Healey who Ken really enjoyed playing with ,it didn't matter what style of music Ken played or sang Jeff never missed a note or chord ,no wonder he became so famous . Jeff Healey is now very much into jazz and owns the Jeff Healey Club in Toronto Ontario . If you haven't seen Jeff perform go and see him at his club or in concert he is an excellent musician and really has a gift for improvising . Another 3 bands Ken must mention are Front Line and THE Cook Brothers Band . Front Line was a 10 piece band with brass and the whole works, Rick Petryna was the Leader and most of the other members were from Toronto Ontario and Ken really enjoyed playing with these guys they were hot .Rick played a lot of big band stuff Chicago , David Clayton Thomas and so on , Rick is now a very sucessful studio musician with his own studio and writes commercials for radio and tv and does solo work in and around the Sudbury area . The 2'nd band Ken must mention is The Whiskey River Blues Band with Tommy Fyeffe who Ken used to love and sit in with quite a bit , Tom hardly ever plays the same song twice he knows so many songs everybody calls him Mr. Blues Man and Tommy has a cd or 2 out and still plays in and around Sudbury ,go out and catch one of his shows you'll love Tommy . The last band I want to mention for now was with The Cook Brothers Bob and Bill , Bob was the leader and we had Danny Fielding whose dad was the who's ,who of Sudbury and still is today . This was the very 1'st band I ever played in and I can never forget how proud my dad was when he seen me play for the 1'st time he kept telling everybody at the Legion where I played in Lively Ontario , the guitar player and singer up there is my son , he's my son . The Cook Brothers will always be a memory I will never forget it is all where the love of music began for me . As a freelance muscian I played with Irvin Prescott , Stanley Wayne , THE Edge , Missippi Strangers, The Falcons and the list goes on and on . FAVORITE QUOTES Reviews Richard Fortin ( World Class composer ,arranger , producer and guitarist ) Hi Ken . Just listened to your music . It's very nice and I really like your chord progression. You should record a cd and post it at Cd Baby . Cheers . Linne Black ( World Class songwritter ,song publisher,workshop coordinator and company co owner . Ken what stunningly beautiful melodies melodies!! I'm going to burn these onto a cd so I can take it with me everywhere I go and listen every chance I get . Did you happen to have a song title in mind when you wrote these songs ?What were you thinking--- What were your feelings as you created these ? Oliver Gannon ( World Class guitarist and composer ) Your melodies are nice and pleasing and you sound like an accomplished guitarist . Keep up the good work . Oliver Gannon . David Sautter ( is a member of the World Class Eos Guitar Quartet ) Hi Ken . My name is David and I am a member of the Eos Guitar Quartet . We receive a lot of music from composers from all over the world . We are very greatfull for that and we listen to all pieces very carefully . You sent us nice pieces . Have a nice time and keep at it . David . Paul Williams ( World Class Lyricist , composer , musician , songwriter , and actor ) Hi Ken . I wanted you to know that I received your CD and listened to it today . I thought it was very pretty and wish you the best with your writing .Happy New Year Paul Williams . Alex Gold ( Owner and World Class Executive of Good Grove Songs Ltd ) Hi Ken . Thanks for your submission . I enjoyed your compositions and feel they would go well on various Mor/lounge/easy listening compilations . Please keep up the good work . Best regards, Alex . Dr. Kim Chow Moris (is the leader of the World Class Yellow River Ensemble ) Hi Ken , Thanks for all the recent e-mails and mp3 files , which I listened too this afternoon with much enjoyment . The pieces are all very pretty and mellow . There's certainly a great deal of consistency in your style ! I think Track 5 ( which is Track 2 on the cd ) is likely the piece most of interest to Yellow River , as it has a melody that develops in the middle and has a sense of forward movement . The fall will be quite busy for us , but I do hope we can work out an opportunity to play your piece for you at some point . Till then , All my best Dr. Kim . Pamela Phillips Oland ( World Class Lyricist ) Dear Ken - I have had a chance to listen too your music and I think you have a lovely talent for melodies . You certainly have an interesting ear . Best Wishes , Pamela Phillips Oland . Brazilian Guitar Quartet ( World Class Guitar Quartet ) Hello Ken , Thank you for sending us your music . We enjoyed listening to it and it would be nice to receive the score . As we told you before , you already set up repetoire for the next season's performances and recordings , but we will keep your music in mind for future . All the best , BGQ . Molly -Ann Leikin ( World Class Lyricist/ Songwriting Consultant with whom Kenny P. has co-wrote 2 songs with )
My Songs
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