Thomas Lee LaBelle
Artist, Songwriter
I have been playing guitar (and other stringed things) for 50 years and writing songs for almost as long. Difficult to describe my style as I can go from searing electric material to acoustic folk in a blink of the eye. I would describe my influences, in the words of Neil Young, as ranging from Hank to Hendrix. Originally from the back woods of NW Ontario hoping to settle in Central Wisconsin. There's some rough demos from the days of my first multi track recorder where I am playing all the instruments. Hope you enjoy the material. My good friend and talented musical partner, Tom Delgaty and I have just finished a little project. Eight songs that we performed and wrote together. Tom D. is an excellent vocalist and is featured on five of the songs, Times Are Tough, She Left Me Still Lovin' Her, Old Mythic America, Rollin' Cross the Country and Hey! Look At You. He plays harmonica and guitar, as well. Rollin' 'Cross the Country was a 2019 finalist in the country category of the Great American Songwriting Contest. Hope you like some of it. Cheers Tom
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