Artist Business Development

There are 5 Essential Areas Every Artist NEEDS To Focus On In Order To Build A Successful Business! Read On To See How You Can Transform Into SO Much More Than An Artist.

I will work with you to create the foundation for your career. Setting you up for long term success!

Business Setup

Business Plan
Distribution/Artist Page Set Up
Show Applications

Online Presence

Social Setup
Content Creation
Content Planning
Content Posting
Content Design

Audience Management

Email Marketing
Content Creation
Turn Fans Into Customers

Income Streams

Direct Sales
Finance Tracking


Marketing plan
Press Kit
Show dates/Live streams
Release Plans
Sales Funnels/Pages


Giving You Tools &
Teaching You How To Use Them
To Take Control of Your Career

From: The Desk Of Steven Gerein - SongShop CEO
The Music Business Kind Of Sucks...
Especially if you have no idea where to start! If you're like most artists I work with, you got into this business for the love of music.... Not to sit around and create marketing plans all day!

Well, the reality is...

Whether you are currently trying to make waves in the industry, or just getting started

...Your Music Doesn't Sell Itself!

Think about it! You don't actively go search out new artists to listen to daily - do you?
So why would you assume your potential fans are seeking out your AMAZING MUSIC?!

So, if you're doing this

 - SongShop Online Song Pitching & Licensing
(Sending Your Music Into Space Hoping Someone Will See It)

You’re leaving so many potential fans without the joy of hearing your music!

But it’s okay! If potential fans and income have fallen away, sometimes it’s just as simple as reaching down to pick them up.

All you need to do is get systems set up properly and a solid Business Plan in place

The Successful Indie Artist doesn’t have the best voice, the best songs, or the best production… 
What they do have is the best marketing plan and business mindset!

But I get it 

When I first started my career a decade ago I had no idea what I was doing. I made advertising and marketing mistakes that cost my band thousands and thousands of dollars – not to mention the singles that absolutely flopped from making bad choices!

 - SongShop Online Song Pitching & Licensing

The modern day artist needs to wear SO many hats! And trying to wear them all at once can be overwhelming – especially if you have no idea where to start or what to do first…

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could have EVERYTHING set up for you? 

AND! Be coached along the way on how to use the tools and strategies on your own?

Just think how much time and money it would save you down the road if YOU could wear all the hats!

Wouldn’t that be nice?

"Working with Steve has been such a wonderful experience! He was so dedicated to helping me get the best results. He is honest and very easy to communicate with, sets plans and schedules. Steve goes above and beyond to help give you the best quality for what you need. I highly recommend him!"

 - SongShop Online Song Pitching & Licensing

Neguine Niktash